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Trains, time tables and railway transport services.



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  • Elite Rail

    Based in Laburnum Drive, Milton Of Campsie.
    Address: 11 Laburnum Drive, Milton Of Campsie, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G66 8JS
  • Kelly Rail

    Based in Nurseries Road, Baillieston.
    Tel: 0141-773 1750
    Address: 15 Nurseries Road, Baillieston, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G69 6UL
  • Rail Maintenance

    Based in Donaldson Crescent, Kirkintilloch.
    Tel: 0141-777 6678
    Address: 17 Donaldson Cr, Kirkintilloch, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G66 1XF
  • ScotRail Railways

    Based in Union Street, Glasgow.
    Tel: 0845-601 5929
    Address: 87 Union Street, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G1 3TA
  • Serco Rail Property

    Based in Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld.
    Tel: 01236 862800
    Address: 52 Deerdykes View, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G68 9HN
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