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"Martin ha ha ha the eho did shut him down"

A review of Carbeth Inn by No angel(bob) written on Wednesday 7th of September 2011


I am a regular biker who stops off at the carbeth inn and yes the food has taken a dramatic leap up in my estimations, it has become somewhere i will eat again and i dont mind paying for the coffee now either as it is proper coffee unlike the pee that graham used to hand out,the banter is still there and the charm of the place has grown as well as the place being clean these days unlike in grahams day ok he was a good guy but he didnt have a clue about running a food outlet, your food used to be hot because it was straight out of a microwave martin as for tasty i bet u like mcdonalds lol, no in all seriousness the food is great these days menu could do with an update get a few more things added and some sort of uniform would be good for the staff so we can tell who works there but the overall experiance has increased by 100 percent, gone are the days of crap service rubbish food and a poorly stocked bar i remember looking in the fridges that were never on to see if there was a bottle of beer i liked on the rare occasion that someone else brings me up only to find no stock in them other than cordail on the bottom shelve, martin are you serious i bet ur name isnt even martin i bet it is graham------- on that point graham you know you got shut down by the eho because of the discrace that u called a kitchen the new guys had it closed for over a month deep cleaning it and getting all new appliances that work well done stuart tony sandy and dougie u guys have done the biz hope it keeps up and u get all the trade you deserve..

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Carbeth Inn

Map showing Carbeth Inn on Stockiemuir Road
