A review of Kenmure Riding School by Anonymous written on Sunday 26th of February 2012
I think this is a wonderful yard ! iv been going there for 8 years and also been a livery for 2 , i take short breaks to go to diffrent yards to see what they are like and what they have to offer in the area , the schoolies and lessons are amazing and taught me so much , the staff are lovely and paul takes pride in his yard , the owner has brought up some of the best international showjumpers there it has wonderful facilities and for once not a bitchy yard as you usually have alot of bitchy people in the horse trade i found this out the hard way visiting 2 yards in kilsyth area , yes the lessons may be expensive but it is truely professional compared to another yard i visited that was charging the same price for a UNQUALIFIED instructor ! the schoolies are never over worked and liveries are kept to the best standard with use of a wash box , indoor , flood lit out door and walker it has some really good hacking and children are looked after well and kept safe and learn soo much , i honestly think this yard is truely amazing and i wouldnt really say that for any other yard in the area ! .
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