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A review of Royal Mail by Lynsey clarkson written on Thursday 27th of June 2013


I recently ordered a very small item online(tester of perfume) which said estimated delivery date 1/7/13. I then apparently miss the delivery on the 24/6/13 even though I was at home that day. So I called up the office several times when I eventually have my call answered and the girl was helpful and said it would be delivered the next day. So the next day I wait for my delivery and again they don't chap my door, they just put the card through, so I call the office again and eventually it gets answered, the guy wasn't helpful at all and says call back after 4pm which I do, and then I call constantly between 4pm and 8pm and not 1 of my calls are answered. I spoke to a friend I know who works for the service and they said, you will need to go to there depot and pick it up because they never answer there phones. I'm really angry at this as the item I bought only cost £7 and now I need to spend another £5 travelling to this depot in the middle of an industrial estate to pick it up. I will never use this service again.

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Royal Mail

Map showing Royal Mail on Fullerton Drive
