A review of Direct Flooring by Mary McDonald written on Saturday 31st of August 2013
I have bought all my flooring from the London Rd branch and haven't been disappointed. A friend of mine dropped in for a cuppa and admired all my flooring. Next day she phoned and asked me to take her to the shop and she bought 6 boxes but the joiner she employed to lay the tiles said it wasn't suitable for her type of floor. She was very ill and going through chemo at the time of purchase so didn't have the energy to return it and has since sadly died. I only found out at the funeral that all her flooring which was bought 2 months before was lying in a cupboard. I sent an e.mail to Direct Flooring explaining the whole situation and promptly they replied. I'm delighted to say my friend's husband collected every penny she paid as a goodwill gesture from Direct Flooring. So whoever you are David on behalf of my friends family I thank you sincerely and will share this story with anyone who cares to listen which can only enhance your company's great reputation.
Yours sincerely
MLMcDonald .
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