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"Lack of customerservice"

A review of Shoe Zone by Mrs olive written on Friday 9th of May 2014


I went in to glasgow forge branch for slippers for a friend in hospital. Wednesday 30th appril PM. Both staff were chatting didint look at me as I walked the whole shop eventually asking where the slippers were "our there" was the older womans reply before returning to her conversation. I placed them at the till couldnt see the chip n pin and asked if they took card payment "aye" was her reply whilst continually ignoring me and chatting to her younger colleague, both deep in coversation as I placed the slippers in the bag, I was so angry at the lack of customer service I actually said "not impressed with your customer service ladies" the young girl burst out laughing as the older one asked "want yer receipt" no thankyou was my polite reply as I left..

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Shoe Zone

Map showing Shoe Zone on The Forge Shopping Centre
