A review of Strathclyde Police by Anne Murray written on Tuesday 24th of June 2014
I ordered a taxi 16th July 2014 the driver took me the longest route possible when I ask him why he was doing that his driving became more dangerious. He even began aruging with me telling me I dont (swear word ) know the name of the street so how do I know if he is taking the long way round or not.He violently pulled in without indication and told me to get out his taxi, shocked by his behaviour I called his controller she heard him shouting at me and told me to hang up and call the police. As soon as I hung up the driver started to do a U turn I was terrified and had to open the door to stop him driving off with me in the oppisite direction. No one has been to see me I dont know if this taxi driver is still on the road but I do know that he is a danger to women and something needs to be done to help me feel safer traveling alone in Glasgow..
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