A review of Thornwood Primary School by Elizabeth Liebrock written on Wednesday 13th of August 2014
I attended Thornwood Primary 1955 - 1967 - First teacher I had was Ms Hill - Boyle. last teacher was Mr Nicholson. Both were great teachers. Some other pupils in my classes were Mary Shill, Esther Duthie, Marion Dey, Carol Fulton, Marg. McNaught,Alison Doran, Catherine Ross,Everett Brown,Gordon McNeil, Gordon Scobie, Freddy Prentice, Stewart Gilchrist, Alex Cook and Ronald MacLeod. My name at that time was Elizabeth Callander, now live in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
Have lived here since December 1971. Fondly remember school days at Thornwood - had great friends and a lot of fun times. Also remember the small shed which was a sweetie shop operated by a gentleman in a wheel chair - most of us were in there on a daily basis. Also school dinners. Hoping someone I knew back then responds to this posting. Oh, and marching in to class accompanied by piano and violins - I played the piano as well as my friend Mary Shill..
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