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"Facilities poorly maintained and very upsetting for bereaved family and friends"

A review of Linn Crematorium by George NIblock written on Thursday 30th of April 2015


I attended a funeral service at the Linn Crematorium on Wed 22 Apr The car park had clearly NOT been swept for many months with litter detritus and hundreds of cigarette end s laying around on the ground and in the shrubbed area. The litter bin was full to overflowing.

Cigarette ends also littered the roadway where the hearse stops right in front of the entrance.

Why do maintenance staff feel that it is required to ct the grass but not to clean the car park, roads and footpaths?

Inside the building the cover that was placed over the coffin on the plinth was clearly well worn and was stained black in large areas giving the impression that they had been stained by black smoke from the furnaces.

All -in - all a very poor impression of services from Glasgow City Council.

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Linn Crematorium

Map showing Linn Crematorium on Lainshaw Drive