A review of FTS Engineering by David Paterson written on Thursday 5th of November 2015
Today an employee of this company stood screaming at and threatening pensioner who wanted access to the rear entrance of a shop.
FTS Engineering were fixing a roller door at the rear entrance of a shop in Rutherglen but blocked access to the lane, which is used as access to the rear of 4 premises in total. The older gentleman asked the employee to move his van over for access to his daughters shop, waited some time and then asked again as he had items that were defrosting. This resulted in a number of people becoming involved as the FTS employee became more and more aggressive, not only to the older man but he was also screaming in the face of a younger girl (grand daughter) who tried to separate the aggressive FTS employee and her grandfather. Even a member of the shop who were getting their door repaired had to intervene!
No idea if they did a good job but the way the employee behaved was a disgrace and his reaction was completely uncalled for. He soon made a sharp exit, possibly due to the fact he may have realised he was in the wrong. The older gentleman was left very shaken and the shop workers were very distressed by his threatening behaviour..
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