A review of Monarch Garage by Lilfairycat written on Thursday 8th of June 2017
I am a lady owner of a Freelander 2- my pride and joy actually.
Anyway she started randomly cutting out on me and going into limp mode -
i was recommended to a land rover garage in falkirk and ayrshire- long story short and lots of different tweeks and things cleaned and she still wasnt right.
I then was advised about Monarch garage, Dalmarnock, being honest i didnt hold out much hope after spending money and a month of visiting garages with the intermittant fault.
so I booked her in and was met by the owner - who ran diagnostics on it then his team looked at the car, it was a wiring that was shorting! a relatively simple fix but had been missed by two other places.
Really just wanted to say it was an excellent service, not expensive and such a quick turnaround.
Well done Monarch! im a happy lady again and have had faith restored in my Car.
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