A review of St Joan Of Arc R C Special School by Mark Bird written on Sunday 6th of August 2023
Hello there Francis, my name is Mark Bird, and as you have probably seen from my stories about St Joan of Arc School, I attended the school for most of the 1980s, and the school opened on the 12th February, 1972, at which time, I was a toddler. You said the school was brand new when you started there, so when did you start there?
I noticed you mentioned Miss Steele, the then headmistress. I don't suppose you would know when she retired, do you? I believe it was 1977, as her successor, Mrs Ritchie retired 10 years after that 1987. I know because I was there for this occasion.
I just so happen to have a mate called Francis who also attended St. Joan of Arc School..
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