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"I was there in 2007"

A review of Ruchazie Parish Church by Ednah Gondwe written on Thursday 9th of May 2024


My name is Ednah Gondwe, I am from Malawi in a community called Baula ,, I visited Ruchanzie when I was young, and now I have been searching just to recommend on what I learned from people on this parish ,, you are the best ever,, and now am in south Africa,, and i with pastor Odiga Charles from Uganda we have started preaching the world of God around the world and my dream is to reach Ruchanzie again and you come to Uganda too, I will be very happy if we can do this together, in Jesus mighty name Amen, I love you all🥰.

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Ruchazie Parish Church

Map showing Ruchazie Parish Church on Elibank Street