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"Best money I've ever spent - great place!"

A review of Goldie Locks by M B written on Friday 10th of May 2024


I cannot recommend Goldie Locks enough today, great place, great service, great people - thank you. After a DIY job of my own hair from shoulder to above ear, I panicked after taking to my hair with trimmers this morning and now having all different lengths and bits! Nightmare, I quickly ran down to Goldie Locks, beanie on, feeling quite silly. They saw me without an appointment, totally understood, didn't judge or laugh, said they could help, treated me with care and respect. I also have really bad psoriasis and they treated me with care and compassion, no judgement. What a breath of fresh air, the staff were supportive in my hour of need, I have left with a pixie cut which beautifully covers my disaster DIY earlier today. I walked out feeling happy, best money I've ever spent. Thank you all so much. If you can, go local and go here..

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Goldie Locks

Map showing Goldie Locks on Stonelaw Road