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"Lives saved due to Doc Frances OReilly."

A review of St Francis Nursing Home by Mrs Barbara Docherty. written on Friday 12th of July 2024


My daughter was born in St.Frances Matern8ty home, Govan, in 1979. It was an emergency C Section, due to a severe haemorhage and the prompt a tion and skill of Dr.O Reilly, saved my life and tgat of my baby girl. The atmosphere in St Frances was home from home. All the midwives/ nuns were absolutely lovely and treated everyone with so much love and kindness. The food was delicious. We had a lot of fun with the sisters, who were always playing pranks on each other. Sister Barbara hid in the wardrobe in my ward because a patients husband had come in with a wee dram in him and was always calling out her name. You could hear her wee squeaky voice whispering 'has he gone yet? She would adk if there was any treats from our childhood that we wanted her to cook. I said "spotted dick pudding" and got it every night after dinner. Such lovely memories. Such great care, and a blank refusal to accept any money, so we had to send it through the post, and got half of it sent back..

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St Francis Nursing Home

Map showing St Francis Nursing Home on Merryland Street