A review of Hillpark Secondary School by Serpico written on Tuesday 30th of October 2007
I attended Hillpark in the 70s, just a wee boy from the south side,testing boundaries on a daily basis, being on the wrong end of a belt more than I care to admit, Mr Macdougal changed the official approach, after others had tried and failed to engage me,I was given a chance, probabaly was not even considered as thinking outside the box! at that time, I was offered the chance to go and work at Lows Garage on a Friday, organised by Mr Macdougal, I went on to serve an apprenticeship in Mechanics, then onto Further Education and a career change "Timber Infestaion Surveyor" and self employment, CPD into Teaching in Further Education, Gained an Advanced Certificate in Teaching in Further Education, working now in a residential School with Looked after and accomodated young people, I am involved in developing Social Firms, for other wee boys from various areas within Scotland who all have "South sides" It really is important to have a "Good Head". Thank You..
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