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"Hungry Hippos"

A review of Bradfords Bakers by The Hungry Hippos written on Friday 21st of March 2008


Bradfords Bakery in Torrisdale Street in the South Side of Glasgow kept my son waiting for over 10 mins yesterday whilst discussing the details of a birthday cake with another customer. There was no-one else serving and his presence in the shop (he was the only other customer at the time) went completely un-acknowledged. He was trying to buy a quick lunch for us both as we had an appointment to keep and were pressed for time.I expect a customer buying an expensive birthday cake takes priority over a young person waiting for a cup of soup and a roll!I was double parked outside and had to gesture for him to come away as we had run out of time so we went to our appointment hungry. I am more annoyed at the lack of any acknowledgement from the shop assistant as my teenage son felt embarrassed at being ignored for so long.I have recently opened a small business in the immediate vicinity but we wont be buying any more lunches from Bradfords after that experience. .

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Bradfords Bakers

Map showing Bradfords Bakers on Spiersbridge Road
