A review of Middlefield Residential School by Alan McMahon written on Sunday 11th of May 2008
I would like to convey a message of support to the school and the staff affected by what can only be decsribed as lazy journalism.
I do not know the whole story behind the investigation and the subsequent displacement of the named members of staff, I only hope that when the investigation is complete then this scandal rag of a newspaper finds space to print the outcome with an apology to the staff named in the article.
As a parent of an Autistic child articles such as this can cause more stress and worry if not aware of the facts.
I can say honestly that my son benefited greatly from the teaching, dedication and friendship from one of the named staff early on in her career at another establishment and I honestly believe that Alison and the others will be cleared of any wrong doing and will be back where they belong.
This story should never have been printed, whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty ?. This article not only undermines all the schools great achievements over the years but also puts a huge strain on peoples professional careers and personal lives.
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