A review of Barlinnie Prison by THE QUO written on Saturday 28th of June 2008
Barlinnie Prison what can i say ? At one point Bar-l was my home from home,almost a screw would be the best way to express myself,i spent more time there than Mr Gallicher, or Bootsy for that matter,On brousing over the Barlinnie web page i come across an artical of some "dumplin" who regards himself as being hard done to after spending 4 days of a 7 day sentence behind bars, a real long term prisoner eh? well Mr Brian Quail you would still be wet from your Admition shower before you were released never mind having time to complain about hardships,i cant condem your beliefs, but you must realise that if your beliefs are causing you to break the law then you nead to understand that if you get caught then there is a stronge possability that you could be locked up .so my advice to you is if you do the crime be prepaired to do the time, BUT PLEASE DO SOME'TIME' BEFORE YOU GRUMBLE ABOUT HOW YOU WERE TREATED . .
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