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"An intriguing, warm service"

A review of Freedom City Church by Katy written on Thursday 13th of November 2008


No-doubt there are problems with society, some more complex than others. However there is something happeneing in this place. People are calling out on God. And they're being answered. I can see visible changes in people who have taken the time to get to know god and accepted and understood him for who he is. Clear indications of joy, confidence, forgiveness, love. There are people here that have been so desperate for help to come to our towns and lives for a very long time. There is most definately a god. The most change and success seems to happen for them when they simply sit back and embrace Gods plan for their life.The best of it is, it does not cost you ANYTHING to find out what god has for you. Young, middle-aged and old woven together. A church that is interactive with all it's people. Helping each other out, meeting up, praying for the whole of our towns every single week without fail. Help and friendship if you ask for it. The young people are so lively and real,not that the older people aren't. It's just refreshing to see young people loyal to god without losing there lively spirit. Boring by no means. A diverse church with people from every kind of background. Also accomodates for babies children greatly, mother and toddlers group runs, and fitness night for women and football for men. The young team are always away to something, travelling about to concerts and all sorts. The service itself is one enlivening service. Warm and welcoming.


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Freedom City Church

Map showing Freedom City Church on Allanfauld Road