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"The capacity to hear the truth is all you need to get something out of attending"

A review of Destiny Church by Marianna written on Tuesday 9th of December 2008


We are all struggling through life, some with more problems than others, and it can be very difficult sometimes to see a solution.

All I can say about Destiny Church is that you most certainly will not be the worse off for attending one of its services, and you may well be much better off for doing so.

You may have reached a point where you are willing to try anything, so what do you have to lose by going along, with an open mind and heart, and giving the people there a fair chance?

You most probably have absolutely nothing to lose, but, if even half of what is spoken about there is true, you would stand to gain an awful lot.

If 99.9% per cent of what is proclaimed there is true, you, and your dearly beloved ones, stand to gain a tremendous amount of wonderful things, so don't you think it is worth a try?

I've only been a few times myself, and regret not going more before, but there is absolutely no point in beating yourself up about the past.

Every last one of us makes mistakes, and the wrong choices, sometimes because of difficult pressures.

You may not want to try going along, for a whole range of difficult and complex reasons.

You might think you are not 'good' enough, or you might not agree with 100% of what you have heard is preached there, or you might, from what I have seen alluded to in one of the posts on this site, that Destiny Church is a 'cult', because of someone having material wealth, or because some people would appear to be 'anti gay' or 'anti prostitutionism'.

I certainly do not think it is a cult. I have not found the prople there to be the least bit judgemental, and, even if some may believe that certain behaviours are sinful, that is not to say that they judge anyone at all, because we are all sinners, every single last one of us.

Even if, for example, homosexual practice is a'sin', it is surely both no more and no less sinful than any other sin, so we do not therefore have the right to cast aspersions against any individual person, because you can be most assured that Jesus loves that person dearly.

It is difficult to see how anyone could be 'for' prostitutionism as an entity, because this is surely all about the exploitation of vulnerable women who, once again, are dearly loved by God.

They should be helped in every possible way, not judged, and the former is the responsibility of God's people, as well as that of every single right-minded person in society.

All I can say is, (if you would like my advice), go along to Destiny Church, and try things out for yourself, without pre-judging anyone or anything.

If you have any fears or misgivings about it, ask God, (even if you are unsure that you even believe at all), to help you.

Once there, just listen and take part with an open mind, and be generous enough to accept that the odd person may hold beliefs that do not necessarily correspond with your philosophy of life.

After all, you would meet with a reasonably diverse range of opinions no matter which building full of people you chose to enter.

We are all unique, and the people who attend Destiny Church are not clones of each other, but their hearts seem to me to be in the right place, and I would say that they would wish you all the best, and not to make you feel embarrassed, resentful, guilty or in any other way out of place.

There comes a time in everyone's life where things reach a point where somebody somewhere just has to do something.

This time for you may have come, and either you will muster up the courage to make a move, or you will not.

I do not underestimate the amount of guts that are needed when you are contemplating going into a building full of 'holy folk', especially if you are unsure of your welcome.

However, think deeply on your situation, focus on your loved ones, and ask yourself one question.

Will you be able to forgive yourself for not trying this avenue, which may have helped achieve a resolution, because of your faintheartedness, prejudice, or lack of courage?.

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Destiny Church

Map showing Destiny Church on Pollokshaws Road
