A review of Hillhead Primary School by Willie B written on Friday 1st of May 2009
I attended DS fron 1952 to 1959. I lived in Mansfield St in Partick and walked back and forward four times a day(didn't go to dinner school, mother was at home to giveme lunch). The boys and girls were seperated in those days by railings splitting the school in two. In the boys playground the toilets were outside at the north east corner and I think the girls was at the north west corner in their playground. In the winter they often were frozen and so we had the day off. I was a coat and a milk monitor for a bit which got you out of the classroom for a little while. We were assembled in the playground and marched into our classes in twos with one of the teachers playing the piano. The teachers I can remember were Mrs Shearer and Miss Connors. The headmaster at first was Mr Brookes who I'm sure did a bit of broadcasting at the BBC in Queen Margaret Dr(I would like confirmation on this from anyone who can remember. I think he had a drink problem. He left and was replaced with another man(whose name I cannot remember),short with a mustache.
The quallie dance was the final social event in primary 7 where we were tought before hand some highland dances and social etiquette, but when it came to the announcement "take your partners", ther was a mad rush to get the good looking girls and not be left with the not so pretty ones. Great fun.
If anyone can add more details, fill in the blanks or add their memories, I would be very interested to hear from you..
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