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"Shocked to read that a derogatory comment"

A review of Kirkhillgait Nursery by Mr Tom Harkness written on Tuesday 12th of May 2009


I was shocked to read that a derogatory comment could be made against such a lovely and professionally run nursery school. Both my children have attended Kirkhillgait Nursery School and have flourished from the time they have spent there. From my experience from registering both my children at nursery school, fees were discussed in person, which I always accepted as fees should be kept on a more confidential level between the parents and the nursery. My priority was finding a nursery that made me feel at ease when leaving my children there and knowing that they were both happy and secure while I was at work. I would recommend Kirkhillgait Nursery School to anyone who is looking for a nursery which is excellent and has high standards. .

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  • My son has been in this nursery now for 9 months .he has come on leaps and bounds one of the girls i...
  • Unprofessional by Anonymous
    The comment made by Mr Tom harkness that made me actually laugh out loud. The reason he thinks this ...
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    My son attends the nursery & has come on fantastic great staff a really good nursery would recom...
  • Unprofessional by John
    My son attended this nursery only because all the other private nurseries that we were interested in...
  • My wee one attended Kirkhillgait which is overall a good nursery. However I feel it could do more to...

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Kirkhillgait Nursery

Map showing Kirkhillgait Nursery on Broom Road East
