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"Venus outta this world"

A review of Venus Sauna Club by Roberto written on Monday 16th of April 2007


I visited venus sauna afew days ago,it was great met a lovely lassie named sasha,she was gentle caring but boy did she know how to make me smile.

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  • Went to Venus sauna were a was greeted all the girls were dressed in there sexy attire, a young blon...
  • Went to Venus sauna were a was greeted all the girls were dressed in there sexy attire, a young blon...
  • Very lovely setting and meet a young lady named summer and she was amazing/although a get to sleep w...
  • Very lovely setting and meet a young lady named summer and she was amazing/although a get to sleep w...
  • My girl by Jazz c
    Will be popping in verry soon looking for ma special girl.i no she is their just heve ta find her.sh...

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Venus Sauna Club

Map showing Venus Sauna Club on Sandyford Place Lane