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"Positive Experience"

A review of Kelvindale Primary School by Fiona written on Wednesday 9th of June 2010


The school has a very good atmosphere, the staff are always helpful and friendly.

The environment is good for a city school having an old forest, new sports pitch and outdoor seating area. There is a well maintained organic garden where all the children plant vegetables every year, harvesting in autumn.

There is a very active PTA and the staff are very supportive of all events. Several parents and staff offer their skills for clubs... chess, football, dance, yoga, gardening club....

The school celebrates language diversity with a language highlighted every month and a week long celebration every year. French is introduced in P1.

Charities are supported and each month there is a dress up or down day and a charity is supported, including our local veterans.

This school has a good mix of children and gives children a strong sense of community within the school.


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Kelvindale Primary School

Map showing Kelvindale Primary School on Dorchester Place
