A review of Carbeth Inn by Folkie wokey written on Tuesday 4th of January 2011
After new management took over i heard by word of mouth it had got worse ,which would be quite hard as the place had been getting run down for a while.
The eating rooms are looking clean again. Floors, tables decor are all nice.
Prices not bad, I got the fish and no complaints. others got cajum chicken and said it was delicious, a bit dry though. and the steak pie got thumbs up from 3 folk in my party.
Not so much happening on a thursday night now for the folk night which is disapointing. But musicians are still welcome but might not get in the back room all the time.
I found playing in the bar was better than in the wee back room stuck out the way. The bar was good to play in .Pity I can not get up every Thursday to replace the other folkies that have took the huff. .
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