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"Looking .......after 50 years for"

A review of Ross Harper by Gonnie de Jong written on Tuesday 18th of January 2011


Ursula Gathman, she married in 1962/63 with Ross Harper, adres 144 Holland Street Glasgow, C.2At that time Ursula lived probably in 21 Kathkin Road, Glasgow S.1. Her nationality was German, she came from Darmstadt, in 1963 about 20-25 year, she married to Ross Harper.

They asked me to be her "best man/woman"? . I happened to be her girlfriend, I am Dutch, we both met each other by Stars and Stripes in Darmstadt and worked together for quite a time.

In 1963 I was back in Holland an I was very busy, we lost each other. Now 50 years later I like very much to know if she still lives in Scotland. If she's still alive. I should be very happy when I get her email-adress, or adres of somsething so I can be in contact with her. I hope you van help me? Gonnie de Jong .

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