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"Funny that i was in on the 4th of march aswell"

A review of Carbeth Inn by Brian grey written on Wednesday 30th of March 2011


I and my fiancee were in on the 4th of march and I absolutely loved this place it is alot cleaner than I have seen it in the last 5 years uve been going there the food is excellent although the menu isn't very extensive and you can get a better selection of food in most places these days but you can tell it is freshly cooked and done very well I also don't agree that graham was good I personally think he let the place go to the dogs it is cleaner fresher and a nicer atmosphere than it has been in a long time and funny enough I was in on the same day you were thomas. Something is telling me either your name is graham or you are a good friend to him which either way isn't a true representation of the carbeth inn . P.s why didn't you put your last name on your review it makes it look as if your making up a name graham .

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Carbeth Inn

Map showing Carbeth Inn on Stockiemuir Road
