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"Carbeth Has Lost Its Charm - Bring back Graham!"

A review of Carbeth Inn by Martin Muir written on Sunday 24th of April 2011


I have been a regular visitor to the Carbeth for many years now and liked nothing more than having some great food and a few drinks. That's not what made it for me though....the rapport I built up with Graham over the years, the laughs, the jokes and the good service from the couple of young girls who usually worked there was what did it for me!

Graham made the Carbeth a welcoming and enjoyable place to be and his piano playing, one liners and great welcome for every customer won't be forgotten. A number of people have commented on the place being 'dirty' but I beg to differ....food was always hot, fresh and for the most part, tasty! (as was the house red Graham lol). If it was as bad as some have said then the Environmental Health would have closed it down!

The Inn no longer has the welcome or overall experience many customers enjoyed and for that reason, it will serve as a convenient stop off point for a quick drink when I'm out that way with my girlfriend at the weekend.

Does anyone know where Graham's working now?


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Carbeth Inn

Map showing Carbeth Inn on Stockiemuir Road
