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"Excellent work"

A review of Ellens Dressmaking & Alterations by Mark raphael written on Friday 20th of May 2011


I had Ellen recommended to me by a friend, for which i am glad of. Ellen was able to advice me of the styles and colours which would help enhance my living space as i didn't have the faintest idea on what to do. I would most certainly recommend Ellen myself now as she produced a set of curtains for my living room were she used a beaufiful red and magnolia colour scheme as well as producing a red pelmet also. Ellen also produced a duvet set and 4 beautiful pillows, with the thing for the base of the bed (sorry i dont know what it's called again) and a set of curtains to block the daylight out, which i guess is a problem that most people have, i would definitely recommend Ellen to anyone as she is able to provide a service which i didnt really think was possible these days as no one does this kind of work now. My problem was that when i went to town to buy curtains i got cofused as there is so much choice not to mention other things such as drop and things like that, anyway i have went on and on but i felt i had to say this if incase your faceing the same problems i had.

Confused guy.

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Ellens Dressmaking & Alterations

Map showing Ellens Dressmaking & Alterations on Townhead
