Home > Glasgow Street Index > Partickhill Road

Partickhill Road

Partickhill Road is a road in North West Glasgow with a small number of businesses.


Lorna Campbell

Lorna Campbell is a driving school offering driving lessons to pupils of different ages and abilities.

Address: 11 Partickhill Road, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G11 5BL

Marist Bros

Marist Bros is a church hosting Christian services and other functions for the local community.

Address: 10-12 Partickhill Road, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G11 5BL

Middlefield Residential School

Middlefield Residential School provides children with education and skills which they can use later in life.

Address: 26 Partickhill Road, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G11 5BP

Pierre Guilleman


Address: 30 Partickhill Road, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G11 5BP

The Black Camel Picture Company Ltd

Film Studios and Production Services

Address: 55 Partickhill Road, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G11 5AB


Reviews of Establishments on Partickhill Road

Find out what people are saying about places on Partickhill Road.

Sunday Mail Article 090508 - review of Middlefield Residential School by Alan McMahon

I would like to convey a message of support to the school and the staff affected by what can only be decsribed as lazy journalism. I do not know the whole story behind the... More »


Map showing Partickhill Road in Glasgow.
